
  • Mars sextile Neptune – The Subtle Power of Inspiration

    Mars sextile Neptune – The Subtle Power of Inspiration

    On January 13, 2025, a rare harmonious aspect forms between Mars and Neptune—a meeting of energy and refinement, where action meets the whispers of intuition. This is not a time for grand gestures but for subtle movements that open doors to creativity and deep inner peace.

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  • Meditation: Beyond Stillness, Into Life

    Meditation: Beyond Stillness, Into Life

    When we think of meditation, we often picture serene silence, closed eyes and calm breathing. Yet true meditation is far from predictable. It’s not just about quieting the mind—it’s an unfolding journey that surprises with depth and discovery.

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  • Kundalini Awakening Through Mantras: A Meditative Experience

    Kundalini Awakening Through Mantras: A Meditative Experience

    In meditation, sound is more than a vibration—it’s a tool for transformation. Kundalini energy, often described as the sleeping spiritual force at the base of the spine, awakens gradually through focused practice. The repetition of specific mantras can clear, heal and energize the chakras, creating a balanced flow of energy that nurtures spiritual growth.

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  • A Spiritual Transmission with Master Morya: Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

    A Spiritual Transmission with Master Morya: Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

    In this transmission, Master Morya delves into the phenomenon of spontaneous spiritual awakening—a profound experience where the veils of illusion are lifted, and the individual glimpses the eternal truth within. With wisdom and clarity, he addresses the questions of what defines a spiritual awakening, its significance in human life, and the role of inner Light…

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  • Transmission: Sananda, Master of Light

    Transmission: Sananda, Master of Light

    Sananda is a Master of Light, connected to the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Ritual. As part of the Spiritual Hierarchy, he works alongside other Masters such as Morya, Koot Hoomi and Djwhal Khul. Known for his deep compassion and guidance, Sananda focuses on helping souls transition from darkness to Light, especially during periods…

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  • The Tower

    The Tower

    The Tower is a card of sudden upheaval, transformation and the breaking down of old structures. Its imagery often depicts a tall tower struck by lightning, with figures falling from it—a symbol of divine intervention and the collapse of false security.

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  • Spiritual Transmission with Djwhal Khul: Exploring Modern Spirituality

    Spiritual Transmission with Djwhal Khul: Exploring Modern Spirituality

    Djwhal Khul, known as “The Tibetan”, is one of the great teachers of esoteric wisdom. Through his collaboration with Alice Bailey, he laid the foundation for a deeper understanding of spiritual evolution, astrology and the soul’s journey. His teachings bridge Eastern and Western traditions, offering insights into both individual and collective transformation.

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  • Transmission with Master Koot Hoomi

    Transmission with Master Koot Hoomi

    Master Koot Hoomi, a central figure in Theosophy, is renowned for his deep spiritual insights and efforts to bridge the gap between Eastern wisdom and Western thought. As a spiritual guide, he emphasized the integration of knowledge and wisdom, the evolution of humanity’s spiritual consciousness and the practical challenges of living a spiritual life in…

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  • A Spiritual Transmission with Master Morya

    A Spiritual Transmission with Master Morya

    This transmission takes you on a profound journey through the essence of spiritual wisdom, inspired by the timeless words of Master Morya, the mystical guide behind Blavatsky’s Theosophy. It delves into core aspects of the spiritual path: the quest for stillness in a restless world, the ineffable nature of spirituality, the many paths leading to…

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  • The Sacral Chakra: Unlocking Creativity and Emotional Flow

    The Sacral Chakra: Unlocking Creativity and Emotional Flow

    The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), located in the lower abdomen just below the navel, is your center of creativity, emotions and sensuality. It is associated with the color orange and the element water, symbolizing fluidity, joy and connection. When balanced, it allows you to express emotions freely, embrace pleasure and experience meaningful relationships.

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