Category: Spiritual Guides
Master Djwhal Khul
Master Djwhal Khul, also known as the Tibetan Master or Master DK, is an enlightened spiritual entity revered for his profound wisdom and knowledge of esoteric and spiritual principles. He is known for his dedication to serving humanity and promoting spiritual growth and awareness.
Master Koot Hoomi
Master Koot Hoomi, also known as Master Kuthumi or simply Master K.H., is a highly revered and enlightened spiritual teacher within the Theosophical tradition. He is considered an ascended master and a member of the Great White Brotherhood, a spiritual hierarchy guiding the evolution of humanity. Koot Hoomi is known for his profound wisdom, compassion,…
Master Morya
Master Morya, also known as Master M, is a powerful and inspiring teacher within the Theosophical tradition. He embodies willpower, decisiveness, and leadership in his teachings and guidance to spiritual seekers. Master Morya is often depicted as a Tibetan master, with profound knowledge of spiritual and occult sciences.