Category: News

  • Buddha: The Power of Our Mind

    Buddha: The Power of Our Mind

    Buddha’s teachings emphasize that our mind forms the basis of our reality. By training and controlling our mind, we can reduce our suffering and achieve happiness. This wisdom is prominently found in the Dhammapada, where Buddha states: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts,…

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  • Free Thinkers’ Movement: Emergence of Intelligent Mankind

    Free Thinkers’ Movement: Emergence of Intelligent Mankind

    The concept of Intelligent Mankind marks a significant shift in human consciousness and societal development. Rooted in the teachings of Master Morya and the principles of the Free Thinkers’ Movement, this new era transcends the traditional New Age paradigm, emphasizing a profound connection with inner Light and Sound. As we navigate through this esoteric age,…

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  • Mars under the influence of Saturn

    Mars under the influence of Saturn

    From June 25, 2024, Mars in Aries comes under the influence of Saturn in Aquarius. This planetary combination creates a specific dynamic that impacts our energy and perseverance. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer insights into the implications of this transit.

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  • Jiddu Krishnamurti: The Essence of His Spiritual Messages

    Jiddu Krishnamurti: The Essence of His Spiritual Messages

    Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher, is renowned for his profound insights into the human psyche and the nature of life. His teachings have inspired many people worldwide to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This article explores Krishnamurti’s key spiritual messages and examines his approach to…

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  • Meditation: Spiritual Meaning of Golden Mice

    Meditation: Spiritual Meaning of Golden Mice

    Meditation often brings forth surprising and meaningful images. Last night during my meditation, tens of thousands of golden mice appeared. For many, this might be a puzzling experience, but it often holds rich symbolic meanings. In this article, we explore the possible spiritual meanings of seeing golden mice in meditation.

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  • The Empress

    The Empress

    The Empress sits on a luxurious throne in a lush environment, surrounded by symbols of fertility and abundance. She wears a crown with twelve stars, symbolizing her connection to the twelve months and the astrological signs. Her robe is adorned with pomegranates, and she holds a scepter that represents her rule and authority. Behind her,…

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  • Kundalini: Awakening the Inner Energy

    Kundalini: Awakening the Inner Energy

    Kundalini, in yogic tradition, refers to a dormant energy located at the base of the spine. When this energy awakens, it travels through the chakras (energy centers) in the body, leading to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. The process of Kundalini awakening can be deeply transformative but requires preparation and guidance. In this article, we…

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  • Pranayama: The Power of Breathing in Yoga

    Pranayama: The Power of Breathing in Yoga

    Pranayama, often referred to as the art of breath control, is a fundamental aspect of yoga that offers profound benefits for both the body and mind. The term “pranayama” is derived from the Sanskrit words “prana” (life force) and “ayama” (control or extension). These exercises go beyond mere breathing; they focus on enhancing the life…

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  • What Are Spiritual Transmissions?

    What Are Spiritual Transmissions?

    Spiritual transmissions are fascinating events where energy, knowledge or spiritual power is transferred from one person to another. These transmissions can occur in various forms and are deeply rooted in different spiritual and esoteric traditions. This article explores the concept of spiritual transmissions and highlights three examples to better understand this mystical practice.

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  • Yoga Philosophy: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are one of the most important texts in yoga philosophy. Written around 400 CE, these sutras offer a systematic approach to yoga and spiritual development. Patanjali’s work consists of 196 sutras (short aphorisms) that cover various aspects of yoga practice and theory. This article provides an overview of the Yoga…

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