Category: News

  • Feng Shui: The Art of Energy

    Welcome to our Feng Shui series, where we explore the transformative effects of this ancient Chinese art and science on our living spaces. In this first article, we will delve into the practical application of Feng Shui principles, focusing on furniture placement, colors and decor. By understanding and implementing these principles, you can optimize energy…

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  • The Art of Tai Chi: Cultivating Balance, Harmony and Vitality

    Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art and meditative movement practice, has gained worldwide popularity for its numerous physical and mental health benefits. In this article, we explore the essence of Tai Chi, its origins, and the transformative power it holds for individuals seeking balance, harmony and vitality.

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  • Tai Chi: Three Gentle Exercises for Mind and Body

    Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art and meditative practice, offers a wealth of benefits for both the mind and body. With its slow, graceful movements and emphasis on mindful awareness, Tai Chi promotes physical health, mental clarity, and a sense of inner harmony. In this article, we explore three fundamental Tai Chi exercises suitable…

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  • The Magician: As Above, So Below

    The Magician, one of the key cards in the Tarot deck, holds profound symbolism and offers valuable insights into the mysteries of creation, manifestation, and personal power. In this article, we explore the rich symbolism depicted on The Magician card, including the concept of “as above, so below,” the representation of the four elements—earth, air,…

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  • Tarot: The Path to Enlightenment

    Tarot, a powerful tool for self-reflection and spiritual growth, can be seen from various perspectives. In this article, we embark on a transformative journey through the inner Light and Sound, exploring the symbolism and spiritual meanings of key Tarot cards along this path. We delve into the symbolism and spiritual meanings of key cards along…

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  • Chohans and Spiritual Guiding

    In the realm of esoteric teachings, Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey have offered profound insights into various entities and forms of consciousness that play a role in spiritual guiding. In this article, we explore their teachings on Chohans, spiritual guiding, and other entities and forms of consciousness. By delving into their perspectives, we gain a…

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  • Connecting with Spiritual Guides: Insights from Blavatsky and Alice Bailey

    Spiritual guides play a pivotal role in our spiritual journey, offering guidance, wisdom and support as we navigate the complexities of life. In this article, we delve into the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, specifically their insights on spiritual guides and how to approach them through meditation. By exploring their perspectives, we gain…

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  • Insights on the State of Existence

    The State of Existence has been a topic of contemplation for countless philosophers, spiritual leaders, and thinkers throughout history. From the wisdom of Krishna and Buddha to the profound musings of Descartes and Plato, these influential figures have offered unique perspectives on the nature of existence. In this article, we dive into their insights, seeking…

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  • Love as Liberation: Khalil Gibran’s Poetic Wisdom

    Khalil Gibran, the Lebanese-American poet and philosopher, captivated readers with his profound insights on life, love and spirituality. His works explore themes of self-discovery, interconnectedness and the transformative power of love.

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  • Synchronicity: Where Chance Meets Destiny

    Synchronicity, a concept coined by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, unveils the fascinating phenomenon of meaningful coincidences that defy logical explanation. In this article, we explore the intriguing world of synchronicity and how it manifests in our lives, using real-life examples that blur the boundaries between chance and destiny. From recurring numbers and nostalgic melodies to…

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