Category: News

  • The Illuminating Power of the 5th Ray: Science and Intellect

    In the realm of esoteric teachings, the Seven Rays play a significant role in shaping human consciousness and character. The 5th Ray, known as the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or the Ray of Science and Intellect, holds a special place as it fuels the pursuit of understanding and the advancement of scientific inquiry. Let us…

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  • Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening: the Unforeseen Transformation

    Spontaneous spiritual awakening is a profound and unforeseen experience that can initiate a transformative journey without any deliberate effort or formal initiation. In this article, we explore the phenomenon of spontaneous spiritual awakening and its profound impact on one’s spiritual path. Discover how to recognize the signs of spontaneous awakening and the significance of seeking…

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  • Become a Spiritual Teacher: Your Path Unfolded

    As New Lightwave, we celebrate the vast spectrum of meditation practices, catering to seekers at every stage of their spiritual journey. From Meditation on Color to Meditation on Spirituality, our offerings empower individuals to embrace their inner essence and spiritual growth. Our Guided Meditation exercises cater to starters, beginners and advanced practitioners, nurturing a rewarding…

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  • The Impact on Humanity’s Spiritual Evolution

    Throughout history, the Masters of Wisdom have played a profound role in humanity’s spiritual evolution. From ancient times to the present day, their teachings and guidance have left a lasting impact on seekers, inspiring spiritual growth, self-realization and a deeper connection with the divine. In this article, we will explore the enduring impact of the…

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  • The Mystical Dance of Synchronicity: Exploring Meaningful Coincidences

    Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung, represents those intriguing moments when the universe seems to conspire in our favor, unveiling a deeper order beyond the scope of rational explanation. These meaningful coincidences serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and invite us to ponder the profound mysteries of life. In this…

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  • Plato’s Perspective on Synchronicity: Exploring Meaningful Coincidences and Cosmic Harmony

    Synchronicity, the concept of meaningful coincidences and interconnected events, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. While not explicitly discussed by Plato in his writings, his philosophical framework and worldview offer intriguing insights into how he might have approached the phenomenon of synchronicity.

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  • Plato’s Quest for Justice and Wisdom: Exploring the Essence of Virtue

    Plato, the esteemed Greek philosopher, embarked on a profound journey of philosophical inquiry, seeking to unravel the essence of abstract concepts such as justice and virtue. He delved into the depths of human understanding, questioning the nature of reality and the fundamental principles that govern our existence.

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  • Five Questions and Answers About Budhi

    In the vast landscape of spiritual philosophy, the mind holds a multifaceted realm that extends beyond ordinary thinking. Among its facets lies “Budhi” – a higher faculty of the mind that serves as a gateway to higher intellect, discernment, and intuitive understanding. Rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, Budhi plays a profound role in the quest…

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  • Zen Humor: The Profound Wisdom Hidden in Laughter

    Zen Buddhism is renowned for its profound teachings, but it also has a playful side that embraces humor and wit. In the world of Zen, seemingly simple anecdotes and humorous stories carry deep wisdom, revealing profound insights into the nature of reality and spiritual enlightenment. Let’s explore three delightful Zen anecdotes that not only bring…

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  • Five Questions with an Enlightened Teacher

    New Lightwave recently had the opportunity to connect with an Enlightened Teacher (N.H.) of Light and Sound meditation, who has been instrumental in guiding and initiating individuals worldwide. N.H., along with M.H., graciously devotes their time to helping others on their spiritual journeys. We speak with him about Spiritual Awakening, Light and Sound and the…

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