Category: News

  • Inner Peace: The First Step Towards a Harmonious World

    In our quest for peace in a tumultuous world, we often overlook a crucial aspect: peace must first be cultivated within ourselves. This article explores the journey of finding inner peace as the essential groundwork for fostering harmony in our relationships and communities. Drawing inspiration from Alice Bailey’s Fourth Ray of Harmony Through Conflict, we…

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  • Empathy is a journey of the heart

    Empathy, the art of stepping into the shoes of another to understand their feelings and perspectives, is more than a social skill; it’s a spiritual journey. Empathy has the power to dissolve barriers of culture, language and ideology. In a world often divided, empathy is the glue that holds communities together, fostering a sense of…

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  • Exploring the Mystical Seven Rays

    Dive into the mystical world of Alice A. Bailey’s Seven Rays, a fascinating esoteric concept that categorizes human personalities and spiritual evolution into seven distinct energy types. This brief exploration will shed light on each ray’s unique characteristics and their influence on individual destinies and collective consciousness.

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  • Illuminating the Path: Embracing Spirituality in Modern Life

    In a world brimming with material pursuits and constant connectivity, the quest for spiritual fulfillment often seems like a journey through uncharted territory. This pursuit, while deeply personal, is a shared human endeavor that transcends cultural, religious and social boundaries. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the significance of spirituality becomes ever more…

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  • The Intense Journey of Spiritual Awakening

    Spiritual awakening in a human life can often be likened to a profound act of waking up. This awakening, however, is not just about opening one’s eyes to the morning sun, but rather about opening one’s soul to a new reality, often accompanied by a tumultuous mix of emotions and revelations.

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  • Navigating the Spiritual Landscape in Turbulent Times

    In an era marked by global unrest and warfare, the spiritual domain of human experience has not remained untouched. This article delves into the intricate aspects of spirituality, especially focusing on paranoia and the obsession with negative energies, a phenomenon increasingly prevalent in today’s society.

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  • Spiritual Trends in 2024: Astrology, Tarot and Meditation

    As we approach 2024, the realms of spirituality, especially astrology, tarot and meditation, are set to undergo significant transformations. Here are some of the key trends and developments expected in these areas.

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  • Understanding the Root Chakra (Muladhara)

    The human energy system is intricate and deeply connected to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. One of the fundamental energy centers within this system is the Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit.

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  • Chakras: The Energy Centers Orchestrating Our Well-being

    The term ‘chakra’ is a Sanskrit word that translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’, aptly depicting the continual rotation and flow of energy. This article aims to unravel the essence of chakras as the energy hubs that harmonize the trinity of body, mind, and spirit, thereby orchestrating our overall well-being.

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  • Bridging Hearts and Souls

    In the heart of every empath lies a boundless ocean of love, understanding and a deep-seated longing for connection. House of Empathy, a sanctuary for empaths and spiritual seekers, has recently unveiled an Inner Circle for Empaths, a sublime space where individuals can connect, share and grow together on their spiritual voyage.

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