Category: News

  • Nurturing Mindfulness and Meditation in Children

    Nurturing Mindfulness and Meditation in Children

    In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children the art of mindfulness and meditation can be a valuable gift, one that offers peace, balance and a deep connection to their inner selves. By introducing children to these practices, we can help them develop a sense of calm, improve their focus and awaken their innate spiritual potential. This…

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  • Different Types of Empaths: Recognizing Their Unique Gifts and Roles

    Different Types of Empaths: Recognizing Their Unique Gifts and Roles

    The concept of empathy encompasses a vast and intricate array of abilities, with various types of empaths possessing unique capabilities to feel, understand, and respond to the emotions of others. These abilities enable them to play a special role in society and in the lives of those around them. This article delves into the different…

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  • Enlightening Play: Exploring the Seven Rays Through Children’s Toys

    Enlightening Play: Exploring the Seven Rays Through Children’s Toys

    In the spiritual teachings of Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul, the concept of the Seven Rays plays a crucial role in understanding the diversity of human personality and spiritual growth. These rays, each with its unique qualities and energies, influence not just adults but children too. In this article, we explore how toys for…

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  • Pathways to Peace: Embracing Spirituality in Navigating Global Conflicts

    Pathways to Peace: Embracing Spirituality in Navigating Global Conflicts

    In a world fraught with conflicts and tensions, the quest for understanding and peace has never been more critical. As we navigate through a landscape marked by turmoil, from the border tensions between India and Pakistan to the enduring strife in the Middle East and the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine situation, the need for a…

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  • Modern Spirituality: A New Perspective

    In the ever-evolving landscape of modern spirituality, individuals are increasingly seeking paths that diverge from traditional religious frameworks, opting instead for a journey of personal exploration, inner peace and self-discovery. This shift towards a more personalized spiritual experience reflects a broader desire to understand the essence of our being beyond the physical and mental planes,…

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  • A Spiritual Journey Through Music

    In the bustling cacophony of modern life, there’s a profound serenity and wisdom to be found in turning our ears and hearts to the melodies that echo from the natural world. For generations, musicians and songwriters across the globe have tapped into this eternal wellspring of inspiration, crafting songs that not only celebrate the splendor…

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  • Light and Sound meditation

    Meditation on inner Light and Sound is a profound spiritual practice that opens the door to deep inner exploration and the Path towards Enlightenment. This sacred meditation technique allows individuals to connect with their true essence, accessing the divine Light and Sound that reside within each of us. As practitioners continue their journey with meditation…

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  • Begin Your Journey Today!

    At New Lightwave, we believe in the transformative power of connecting with the inner Light and Sound, a journey that not only deepens our understanding of spirituality but also enriches every aspect of our lives. Spirituality offers depth, bringing an unparalleled sense of purpose and fulfillment.

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  • Lao Tze: ‘Failure is the foundation of success’

    Lao Tze: ‘Failure is the foundation of success’

    In an era where the pursuit of success is often fraught with the fear of failure, the ancient wisdom of Lao Tze, the revered Chinese philosopher and the supposed author of the “Tao Te Ching,” offers a refreshing and profound perspective. His teachings, rooted in Taoism, emphasize living in harmony with the Tao, or “the…

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  • Spirituality in Cinema: A Glimpse into Madame Web, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Argylle

    Spirituality in Cinema: A Glimpse into Madame Web, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Argylle

    In recent years, the infusion of spiritual themes into mainstream cinema has not only captivated audiences worldwide but also sparked discussions on the profound connections between spirituality and storytelling. Films such as Madame Web, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Argylle serve as exemplary cases, each embedding unique spiritual concepts within their narratives. This article delves…

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