Category: News

  • Cosmic Connection: Exploring the Esoteric Influence of Star Systems

    Cosmic Connection: Exploring the Esoteric Influence of Star Systems

    In the vast expanse of the universe, the stars have always been a source of wonder and mystery. Beyond their astronomical significance, certain star systems hold profound esoteric and spiritual importance. New Lightwave delves into the mystical connections between humanity and the cosmos, exploring the spiritual influence of prominent star systems such as the Pleiades,…

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  • Galactic Federation: Guides of Planetary Ascension

    In esoteric and spiritual communities, there is often talk of the Galactic Federation. According to these beliefs, the Galactic Federation (of Light) forms an interstellar alliance of various star systems and civilizations dedicated to promoting peace, harmony and spiritual development in the universe. This article explores the role and significance of the Galactic Federation in…

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  • Soul Connection: an Inner Journey Beyond Time and Space

    Soul Connection: an Inner Journey Beyond Time and Space

    In an age characterized by rapid spiritual awakenings, many are drawn to the profound quest of connecting with their soul. This journey, traditionally seen as the domain of seasoned meditators, is increasingly accessible to individuals experiencing spontaneous spiritual awakenings. Central to this exploration are two pivotal insights: knowing your soul’s name and understanding your soul’s…

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  • Navigating Dimensions: Earth’s Evolution and Beyond

    Navigating Dimensions: Earth’s Evolution and Beyond

    In the esoteric and spiritual realms, dimensions are often discussed as varying levels of consciousness that exist throughout the universe. Each level, or dimension, is associated with specific characteristics, experiences and states of being, extending far beyond the three physical dimensions we inhabit, plus time as the fourth dimension.

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  • Illuminating Mindfulness: The Yellow Path to Presence and Joy

    Illuminating Mindfulness: The Yellow Path to Presence and Joy

    In a world that’s often painted in shades of grey, turning our attention to the vibrant hue of yellow can be a powerful mindfulness practice. Yellow, the color of sunlight, flowers and autumn leaves, symbolizes joy, energy and clarity. It’s a hue that can lift spirits, inspire creativity and sharpen focus. Here’s a mindfulness exercise…

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  • Exploring Sting’s “Fragile” and “Shape of My Heart”

    Exploring Sting’s “Fragile” and “Shape of My Heart”

    Sting is known as a musician whose work extends beyond the boundaries of pop music, delving deeply into spiritual and philosophical themes. His songs “Fragile” and “Shape of My Heart” are beautiful examples of how music can explore deep, universal truths. When viewed through the lens of the Seven Rays, an esoteric concept introduced by…

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  • The Spiritual Resonance of Sting’s “Fragile”

    In the realm of contemporary music, Sting’s “Fragile” stands out not only as a poignant reminder of the ephemeral nature of human life but also as a spiritual anthem that resonates deeply with esoteric teachings, particularly those related to the Seven Rays as elucidated by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul. The song, with its…

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  • Inner Light and Sound: Realistic Journey of Meditation

    Inner Light and Sound: Realistic Journey of Meditation

    In the vast expanse of spiritual practices, meditation on the inner Light and Sound stands out as a profound pathway to personal transformation and Enlightenment. Enthusiasts and practitioners often herald it as a vehicle to immense joy and a life filled with positive karma. However, the reality of this meditation journey, while rich and deeply…

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  • Pleiades: Journey to the Seven Sisters

    In the cosmos, the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters, hold a special place. This fascinating star cluster in the constellation of Taurus has been the subject of myths, legends and esoteric studies for centuries. From an esoteric perspective, the Pleiades offer insight into the deeper layers of our consciousness and our spiritual journey.

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  • New Path to Enlightenment: Cosmic Origins of the Soul

    New Path to Enlightenment: Cosmic Origins of the Soul

    In the ever-evolving landscape of spiritual exploration, a refreshing and provocative perspective has emerged, challenging traditional views and inviting seekers to embark on an unprecedented journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection. This novel viewpoint posits that most souls originate from star systems far beyond our own, introducing a profound framework for understanding our spiritual identity…

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