Category: News

  • Higher Dimensions: Cosmic Guidance of Star Systems

    Higher Dimensions: Cosmic Guidance of Star Systems

    As humanity stands at the cusp of a monumental shift in consciousness, the cosmos offers not just a backdrop but active guidance through its star systems. This article explores how the energies of the Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, Arcturus and Andromeda facilitate our spiritual evolution and integration of higher dimensional wisdom.

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  • Conjunction: Moon hides Saturn

    Conjunction: Moon hides Saturn

    In the early morning of May 31, 2024, the sky offers us a fascinating glimpse into the cosmos. While many are turning over for a little more sleep, stargazers in parts of Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay will witness a remarkable astronomical event: the occultation of Saturn by the Moon. This rare phenomenon, where the…

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  • Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation: A Comparison of Esoteric Organizations

    Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation: A Comparison of Esoteric Organizations

    In the realm of spiritual and esoteric studies, there are intriguing concepts that challenge our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Two such concepts are the Spiritual Hierarchy, as detailed by Helena Blavatsky and further expanded by Alice Bailey within the Theosophical Society, and the Galactic Federation, a popular theme within modern…

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  • Cosmic Connection: Color Meditation During Planetary Alignment

    Cosmic Connection: Color Meditation During Planetary Alignment

    On June 3, 2024, stargazers and spiritual seekers will witness a rare phenomenon in the sky: a major planetary alignment. This event is not only a visual spectacle but also a profound opportunity for personal and spiritual development. Against this cosmic backdrop, New Lightwave introduces the “Cosmic Colors Meditation” – a unique online meditation experience…

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  • Cosmic Convergence: June 3, 2024

    Cosmic Convergence: June 3, 2024

    On June 3, 2024, a rare and fascinating celestial event will occur: a significant planetary alignment where Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will align nearly in a straight line from Earth’s perspective. This configuration offers not only a unique opportunity for astronomical observation but also opens deep astrological and esoteric interpretations that help…

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  • Cosmic Colors Meditation

    Cosmic Colors Meditation

    Discover the power of colors and cosmic energies during the Cosmic Colors Meditation on June 3, 2024. This online meditation experience combines the healing powers of colors such as turquoise, red, white and gold with the unique energies of a planetary alignment. Join from the comfort of your own home and connect with participants from…

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  • Cosmic Colors Meditation registration

    Cosmic Colors Meditation registration

    Discover the power of colors and cosmic energies during the Cosmic Colors Meditation on June 3, 2024. This online meditation experience combines the healing powers of colors such as turquoise, red, white and gold with the unique energies of a planetary alignment. Join from the comfort of your own home and connect with participants from…

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  • Great Planetary Alignment: Confluence of Heaven and Earth

    Great Planetary Alignment: Confluence of Heaven and Earth

    In the early morning hours of June 3, 2024, a captivating celestial event will take place that has both astronomers and astrologers on alert: a significant planetary alignment involving Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This rare sight promises not only a breathtaking view for night sky observers but also reveals profound symbolic meanings…

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  • Cosmic Tarot: The New Fool

    Cosmic Tarot: The New Fool

    In the tarot world, the card of The Fool traditionally represents new beginnings, adventure and carefreeness. However, in the revamped Cosmic Tarot, The Fool takes on a more profound esoteric significance suitable for the new era. This card serves not only as the commencement of a journey but also as a reflection of our times,…

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  • Ascendant: Window to the Soul

    Ascendant: Window to the Soul

    In astrology, the ascendant, or rising sign, is the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of one’s birth. Considered the ‘mask’ worn in interactions, the ascendant represents first impressions, physical appearance and spontaneous reactions. It is one of the three pillars of a natal chart, along with the sun and moon,…

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