Purpose and Life Path – Discover the profound significance of your unique life purpose and the call to serve a higher mission. Unravel the intricate tapestry of your soul’s journey as we delve into the empowering concepts of purpose and destiny.
In 2024, Mercury will undergo several retrograde periods, primarily in Fire signs. These phases offer a unique opportunity for reflection and personal growth, but what exactly does ‘retrograde’ mean, and how does it specifically affect Mercury?
Since March 2023, we have been experiencing a notable astrological event: Pluto in opposition to Leo. This alignment highlights the struggle between Pluto’s powerful transformative forces in Aquarius and the self-aggrandizing energy of Leo. This period invites an examination of the impact on egos, power structures and our approach to leadership and authority.
Since March 23rd 2023, Pluto has moved into the sign of Aquarius, a cosmic shift that has not occurred since 1777. This transit marks a potentially profound period of change on both a social and spiritual level, akin to historical moments of revolutionary energy when peoples seized power and formed new systems.
In the Five Questions series we’re zooming in on the topic of esoteric astrology. What is esoteric astrology? How does it differ from traditional astrology? Why are specific stars like the Pleiades and Sirius involved in esoteric astrology?