Purpose and Life Path – Discover the profound significance of your unique life purpose and the call to serve a higher mission. Unravel the intricate tapestry of your soul’s journey as we delve into the empowering concepts of purpose and destiny.
The upcoming planetary alignment on June 3, 2024, is a rare and powerful cosmic event where six planets – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – will align. This offers a unique opportunity to experience profound spiritual transformation through meditation. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss this chance and how esoteric knowledge can enrich your inner journey.
Esoteric astrology, influenced by the teachings of Alice Bailey and her spiritual mentor Djwhal Khul, offers a unique approach to astrology focused on the spiritual and psychological development of the soul. This form of astrology uses both traditional and hypothetical planets and considers influences from star systems and constellations. Here, we answer some frequently asked questions about creating and interpreting an esoteric horoscope.
In the realm of esoteric astrology, a fascinating concept emerges that deviates from the traditional planets we know: Vulcan. This hypothetical planet, believed to orbit close to the Sun, is considered a powerful influence on our spiritual development and inner transformation within esoteric circles.
The four elements – earth, water, air and fire – are central to the Minor Arcana in tarot. In the Cosmic Tarot, these elements are represented in a simple yet powerful way, highlighting their esoteric significance. Here, we delve into the symbolism of these elements and how they are depicted in the Cosmic Tarot.