Today, New Lightwave has successfully launched a total of twenty Inner Circles in each state of the United States. In these Inner Circles, participants can see the inner Light and hear the Sound. The initiation of Inner Circles in America feels like a return to our roots, bringing us back to the time of the original inhabitants, the Native Americans.
The Native Americans place great value on harmony and unity with others. They have a strong connection to their community and family members. A close-knit and interdependent community or family provides a support system on which an individual can rely daily.
An Inner Circle operates in a similar manner. By initiating Inner Circles, we establish a deep spiritual connection. This can involve both existing networks and creating new networks. Each Inner Circle consists of 40 individuals, primarily parents and children.
Everyone has an Inner Circle. These are the people who are close to you, understand you, the ones you can trust, and who will always be there for you when you need them. The number of friends in your Inner Circle is usually very small, often fewer than 5 individuals.
The people in your Inner Circle are the most trusted individuals in your life. They mean more to you than your social circle. Your Inner Circle can include family members, friends, colleagues, classmates – those whom you trust the most.
A small Inner Circle allows you to invest time and attention in relationships with your dearest friends. For example, if you have two close friends, you can easily make time to meet them at least once a week. A small Inner Circle fosters stronger bonds.
A Spiritual Inner Circle operates differently from a personal Inner Circle. During meditation, time and place do not matter. You connect with other dimensions, and communication happens in a different way. Meditation leads to insights through awareness, realizations, and experiences.
Those who possess the gift of awakening others to the Light and Sound will demonstrate it through Grace. People who become aware of the Light and Sound through the Inner Circle experience it as a Spontaneous Awakening. To be honest, it is indeed a Spontaneous Awakening. Only those who are truly open will receive it, still as a gift of grace.
If you would like to share your insights, realizations, or experiences, please do not hesitate to email us at