Get Started – Welcome to New Lightwave, where we invite you to embark on a journey of inner exploration and self-discovery through the transformative power of meditation. Whether you are a seasoned meditator or just beginning your meditation practice, our diverse range of meditations offers something for everyone. Begin your journey today and allow the power of meditation to illuminate your path towards a life of fulfillment and purpose.

Dive into the enchanting world of Meditation on Color with New Lightwave. This unique method invites you to explore the vibrant hues of your inner self, revealing the profound messages each color holds.

Take a transformative step towards spiritual growth with our Meditation on Spirituality. This method offers a serene path to connect with your true essence and explore the depths of your inner world. By quieting the mind and aligning with a higher consciousness, you’ll transcend ego limitations and experience a profound union with the divine.

Join us in exploring the radiant realm of meditation on inner Light and Sound, a path that leads to authentic self-connection and Enlightenment. This spiritual voyage illuminates the inner Light within you, guiding you to tune into your soul’s gentle whispers.

Are you ready to discover the limitless potential of your spiritual journey? Start your meditation practice today and witness the transformative impact it can have on your life. Let the magic of meditation guide you towards self-discovery, inner growth and spiritual Enlightenment.

With Love and Light,

Esther Hoogervorst-Henkel,
Spiritual Teacher