GUIDES overview

Enter the world of spiritual guides on our web page “Guides”. Discover the valuable support and guidance available to you on your spiritual journey. Learn how to connect with your spiritual guides, from ancestors and guardian angels to spiritual teachers and masters. Discover how they can assist you in strengthening your intuition, gaining important insights, and inspiring your highest potential. From meditation techniques to interpreting synchronicity, expect inspiring articles and practical tips to cultivate a deeper connection with your guides and embrace their wisdom in your life.

Spiritual awakening is a transformative journey that brings individuals to a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. It often starts with spontaneous experiences, such as perceiving inner colors or hearing natural sounds, which ignite a curiosity about spirituality and the meaning of life. At New Lightwave, our primary focus is reaching out to those who have undergone a Spontaneous Awakening, providing guidance and support along their path. Our website offers two meditation methods, Meditation on Color and Meditation on Spirituality, both rooted in the inner Light and Sound and guided by the Masters of Light. In this article, we aim to clarify the purpose of New Lightwave and its offerings, catering to those experiencing spiritual awakening and existing practitioners of Light and Sound meditation.

Master Morya, as a spiritual guide and ascended master, is associated with various teachings and messages within the realm of Theosophy and New Age spirituality. While the specific messages attributed to Master Morya can vary, there are some overarching themes and principles commonly associated with his teachings. It’s important to note that these teachings are based on beliefs and interpretations within these spiritual traditions.

In the realm of esoteric teachings, Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey have offered profound insights into various entities and forms of consciousness that play a role in spiritual guiding. In this article, we explore their teachings on Chohans, spiritual guiding, and other entities and forms of consciousness. By delving into their perspectives, we gain a deeper understanding of the diverse spiritual forces that influence and guide our spiritual journey.

Spiritual guides play a pivotal role in our spiritual journey, offering guidance, wisdom and support as we navigate the complexities of life. In this article, we delve into the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, specifically their insights on spiritual guides and how to approach them through meditation. By exploring their perspectives, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound connection we can establish with these wise and supportive companions.

Embarking on a spiritual journey can be a transformative and sometimes challenging experience. Along this path, many seekers find solace, support, and guidance from spiritual beings known as guides. These guides, whether ascended masters, guardian angels, or benevolent entities, play a significant role in assisting individuals on their quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth. In this article, we explore the profound ways in which spiritual guides can illuminate and empower our spiritual journeys.