ASTROLOGY overview

Explore the fascinating world of astrology on our web page “Astrology”. Learn about the influence of stars and planets on your life and personality. Discover your cosmic blueprint and use this wisdom to gain insight into yourself and your life path. From birth horoscopes to monthly forecasts, expect engaging articles and practical tips to integrate astrology into your spiritual journey.

Since March 23rd 2023, Pluto has moved into the sign of Aquarius, a cosmic shift that has not occurred since 1777. This transit marks a potentially profound period of change on both a social and spiritual level, akin to historical moments of revolutionary energy when peoples seized power and formed new systems.

In the vast expanse of the universe, the stars have always been a source of wonder and mystery. Beyond their astronomical significance, certain star systems hold profound esoteric and spiritual importance. New Lightwave delves into the mystical connections between humanity and the cosmos, exploring the spiritual influence of prominent star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Orion and Andromeda. These celestial entities are not just points of light in the night sky but are believed to offer unique vibrations, wisdom and energies that resonate with the human spirit.

In this edition, we’re exploring the three primary qualities assigned to the zodiac signs: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Each of these qualities brings unique traits and characteristics to the signs under their influence. From the leadership-driven Cardinal signs to the stability-seeking Fixed signs and the adaptable Mutable signs, understanding these categories offers a deeper insight into astrological profiles.

Astrology, an ancient practice, delves into how celestial bodies like planets and stars potentially influence human affairs and personalities. In recent times, particular attention has been drawn to Neptune’s influence, an aspect often associated with deception and confusion. This article explores the current astrological positioning of Neptune and its supposed impact on clarity of thought and perception.

In the realm of esoteric teachings, the Seven Rays play a significant role in shaping human consciousness and character. The 5th Ray, known as the Ray of Concrete Knowledge or the Ray of Science and Intellect, holds a special place as it fuels the pursuit of understanding and the advancement of scientific inquiry. Let us delve into the unique attributes of the 5th Ray and explore two remarkable examples of individuals whose lives epitomize its transformative influence.

Alice Bailey’s work with the Seven Rays in esoteric astrology has provided valuable insights into the spiritual energies and qualities that shape our lives. While a comprehensive analysis of the Seven Rays requires detailed calculations and examination of planetary positions, we can simplify and explore their essence to gain a better understanding of their practical application. In this article, we will delve into the Seven Rays and their associated qualities, using a simplified example based on Alice Bailey’s birth chart to illustrate their potential influence.

The teachings of Alice Bailey and the spiritual guidance transmitted through her works by Master Djwhal Khul have provided profound insights into esoteric wisdom and spiritual evolution. While their teachings can be complex, we can explore ways to simplify their vision, making it more understandable and practical for our own spiritual growth. In this article, we will delve into key concepts and practical insights derived from their teachings, offering guidance for applying their wisdom in everyday life.

Astrology encompasses a wide range of approaches, each employing different tools and methodologies to interpret celestial influences. From planetary-based astrology to astrology focused on rays or cycles, practitioners utilize diverse frameworks to gain insights into the cosmic forces shaping our lives. In this article, we will explore various types of astrology, providing practical examples and delving into the tools and techniques used in their application.

Esoteric astrology, as understood and explained by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul, offers unique insights into the practical application of astrology for spiritual growth and self-realization. Their teachings delve into the deeper dimensions of astrological interpretation, emphasizing the transformative power of celestial influences on human consciousness. In this article, we will explore how Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul describe the applicability of esoteric astrology, shedding light on its practical relevance and its potential for guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys.

In the realm of astrology, there exists a fascinating branch called esoteric astrology, which delves into celestial influences beyond the traditional Sun or Moon signs. Esoteric astrology offers a deeper exploration of cosmic dynamics, introducing the concept of an Earth sign and unveiling influences that manifest through cycles operating at various levels of magnification. From mundane astrology, focused on Earth-based influences, to the esoteric Sun-based perspective, and potentially even higher forms rooted in galactic alignments, astrology unravels layers of cosmic wisdom waiting to be explored. In this article, we will journey into the realms of esoteric astrology, discovering the profound insights it offers.