ASTROLOGY overview

Explore the fascinating world of astrology on our web page “Astrology”. Learn about the influence of stars and planets on your life and personality. Discover your cosmic blueprint and use this wisdom to gain insight into yourself and your life path. From birth horoscopes to monthly forecasts, expect engaging articles and practical tips to integrate astrology into your spiritual journey.

In esoteric astrology, the zodiac sign Taurus is seen as a powerful sign with deeper spiritual meanings beyond just material and sensory satisfaction. Taurus is strongly connected to themes of stability, perseverance and the transformation of matter into spiritual realization.

The upcoming planetary alignment on June 3, 2024, is a rare and powerful cosmic event where six planets – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – will align. This offers a unique opportunity to experience profound spiritual transformation through meditation. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss this chance and how esoteric knowledge can enrich your inner journey.

Esoteric astrology, influenced by the teachings of Alice Bailey and her spiritual mentor Djwhal Khul, offers a unique approach to astrology focused on the spiritual and psychological development of the soul. This form of astrology uses both traditional and hypothetical planets and considers influences from star systems and constellations. Here, we answer some frequently asked questions about creating and interpreting an esoteric horoscope.

In the realm of esoteric astrology, a fascinating concept emerges that deviates from the traditional planets we know: Vulcan. This hypothetical planet, believed to orbit close to the Sun, is considered a powerful influence on our spiritual development and inner transformation within esoteric circles.

Esoteric astrology, influenced by the teachings of Alice Bailey and her spiritual mentor Djwhal Khul, introduces a fascinating array of hypothetical planets. These planets, though not scientifically confirmed, play a significant role in the spiritual development and inner transformation of the soul. Besides the well-known Vulcan, there are other hypothetical planets that are important in this branch of astrology.

In the realm of esoteric astrology, a fascinating concept emerges that deviates from the traditional planets we know: Vulcan. This hypothetical planet, believed to orbit close to the Sun, is considered a powerful influence on our spiritual development and inner transformation within esoteric circles.

In the early morning of May 31, 2024, the sky offers us a fascinating glimpse into the cosmos. While many are turning over for a little more sleep, stargazers in parts of Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay will witness a remarkable astronomical event: the occultation of Saturn by the Moon. This rare phenomenon, where the Moon passes in front of Saturn and temporarily obscures it from our view, will occur around 8:00 UTC on May 31.

In the early morning hours of June 3, 2024, a captivating celestial event will take place that has both astronomers and astrologers on alert: a significant planetary alignment involving Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This rare sight promises not only a breathtaking view for night sky observers but also reveals profound symbolic meanings for those who study the influence of the cosmos on human existence.

In astrology, the ascendant, or rising sign, is the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of one’s birth. Considered the ‘mask’ worn in interactions, the ascendant represents first impressions, physical appearance and spontaneous reactions. It is one of the three pillars of a natal chart, along with the sun and moon, playing a crucial role in shaping our identity and how we are perceived by others.

In 2024, Mercury will undergo several retrograde periods, primarily in Fire signs. These phases offer a unique opportunity for reflection and personal growth, but what exactly does ‘retrograde’ mean, and how does it specifically affect Mercury?

Since March 2023, we have been experiencing a notable astrological event: Pluto in opposition to Leo. This alignment highlights the struggle between Pluto’s powerful transformative forces in Aquarius and the self-aggrandizing energy of Leo. This period invites an examination of the impact on egos, power structures and our approach to leadership and authority.