American Politician Issues Warning about Classified UFO Footage: Humanity’s Vulnerability Highlighted

American politician issues a warning to humanity after reportedly witnessing classified UFO footage that has not been publicly released. “If they possess this kind of technology, they can turn us into charcoal”, several US media outlets quote him as saying. Tim Burchett, a politician from the state of Tennessee, made these remarks as a guest on the Event Horizon podcast. He suggested that extraterrestrial life forms possess technology that humanity “cannot handle”.

“If they are here, they are here. If they possess this kind of technology, they can turn us into charcoal”, Burchett stated. “If they can do things like traveling light-years, flying at speeds we have witnessed, submerge underwater without leaving a heat signature and perform such feats, then they truly belong to a different league.” Burchett serves on the House Oversight Committee, a committee that examines potential threats and unexplained UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). “We are not capable of dealing with it”, he remarked in the podcast regarding potential extraterrestrial technology. “We cannot defend ourselves against them. That’s why I believe they pose no threat to us; otherwise, it would have manifested long ago.”

Burchett made these statements after whistleblower David Grusch, an Air Force veteran widely regarded as credible, claimed that the government is engaged in a classified program for recovering UFOs.

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