A New Approach to Spirituality in Europe

At New Lightwave, we strongly believe that a new approach to spirituality is needed in Europe. We have embarked on promoting meditation on the inner Light and Sound through the transmission of colors within Inner Circles. This approach aims to open people up to a deeper experience of spirituality and consciousness.

In Europe, people often lead busy lives where work, material possessions and individual achievements take center stage. It is important to bridge the gap between the higher and lower self and develop a natural and open attitude towards spirituality, similar to that of other continents like Africa, South America and Asia.

Our approach differs from traditional methods. We started by transmitting four inner colors: yellow, magenta, orange and brown. These colors have sparked engaging discussions with children and parents, taking spirituality to a higher level. The experiment with transmitting inner colors has made spirituality an experience for children and parents, paving the way for deeper understanding and conversations about spirituality.

As a spiritual experiment, we have a significant Inner Circle in the Netherlands with nearly two hundred members who see the Light and hear the Sound. We call this Spontaneous Awakening. Children and parents experience colors and hear the fundamental tone when they close their eyes. This brings them a sense of wonder and connection to something greater than themselves.

We are committed to expanding this new approach to spirituality further across Europe. We invite you to join our Inner Circles and experience the inner Light and Sound, so that together we can contribute to the promotion of spirituality and consciousness in Europe.

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