We are delighted to share with you a beautiful guided meditation, gifted to us by Jens, a spiritually enlightened individual. This meditation serves as a powerful doorway to presence and simple being, inviting us to embrace acceptance and surrender to our current experiences. It is designed to be simple, enjoyable and practical for a wide range of individuals seeking inner peace and tranquility.
This is a meditation using the senses to experience acceptance and surrender. We relax, let things unfold and come and go, and release any desire to hold on. When we are familiar with this, it can be used during meditation and daily life to experience things in new ways.
Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, we encourage you to explore this profound practice. Find a comfortable and relaxed posture before you begin, and remember to be kind to yourself throughout the meditation journey. Let us now delve into Jens’ thoughtful guided meditation, designed to bring comfort, pleasure and inner harmony to all who embark on this soulful exploration.
Guided Meditation: Surrender and Acceptance
Simple Instruction:
This meditation is divided into four parts, each lasting five minutes. You may choose to meditate with your eyes open or closed, whatever feels most comfortable.
Before beginning, take a moment to cultivate feelings of kindness, directing it towards yourself, others and the four parts of the meditation.
Now, let’s begin this transformative practice:
1. Hear Everything You Hear
Without seeking anything in particular, sit with the gentle waves of sound that fill your space. Be with whatever arises, without expectation or judgment. This is a profound practice of deep listening.
2. See Everything You See
Release the desire to fixate on any particular object or image. Soften your gaze and let it naturally widen to accept more. Rest with a relaxed awareness and don’t hold onto anything. Welcome all that appears, allowing distance to dissolve effortlessly. Just be with whatever arrives; there is nothing else to do.
3. Feel Everything You Feel
This part is not limited to emotional sensations; it encompasses a subtle, gentle sense of feeling. Soften and release, allowing a wave of awareness to flow through you, bathing you in a deeper, more peaceful presence. Embrace this sense of tranquility.
4. Be With Everything As It Is
Become fully aware of your presence in the space you occupy. Soften your boundaries and effortlessly allow yourself to merge with the surroundings. Feel the vast, open stillness, a more spacious being of presence.
As we conclude this guided meditation, take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate yourself for fully immersing in this profound practice. Reflect on your experience and recognize any insights that may have emerged during this journey. Remember, this meditation can be adapted to suit your unique preferences and needs, making it a cherished practice in your spiritual toolkit.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jens for sharing this transformational guided meditation, which encourages surrender and acceptance. May this meditation serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to inner peace and harmony for all who embark on this soulful exploration.