In the realm of spiritual transformation, there exists a profound journey that takes one beyond the mind, from the world of form to the boundless expanse of formlessness. This passage is marked by vivid landscapes of inner experience, where colors like red become significant milestones, guiding the meditator through stages of transformation.
Red, a color often associated with vitality, energy and power, holds deep spiritual significance for those who meditate on the inner Light and Sound. In the early stages of meditation, red appears as a precursor to the realization that one is not bound by form or the physical body. It signifies a shift in energy — the vital force that transforms the experience of the meditator from the material to the spiritual.
Red embodies strength, the strength of transformation. It is the color of movement, of transmutation from one state to another. As one meditates on the inner Light and Sound, red emerges as the force that propels the soul toward the formless, a key that unlocks the door to the dissolution of boundaries.
In the presence of red, one begins to feel the power of transmutation. The energy within, once tied to the body and its form, begins to change. It is as if the force of life, once concentrated in the physical realm, starts to dissolve the contours of matter. The experience of red brings a heightened awareness of this energy — it moves, it shifts, it grows in intensity and it pushes the meditator toward a state where form is no longer a limitation.
The color red serves as a powerful distraction, much like a red cloth waved before a bull, drawing the mind into its swirling intensity. Yet, as one moves through this energy, red begins to fade. The meditator steps beyond the limitations of form and into a deeper realization: the body is not the self and the mind is not the ultimate arbiter of reality.
As the energy of red gradually dissipates, what follows is a profound stillness. The mind, which was once active and entangled in form, falls silent. In this silence, there is only the vast expanse of formlessness. The red transforms into white, a symbol of purity, clarity and the infinite.
The appearance of white marks the final stage of this inner journey. It is a blank canvas of being, where the boundaries of form are erased, and the meditator steps into the void. Here, the mind plays no role; it is an empty vessel. The white light engulfs the experience and the journey ends in a high-pitched sound, signaling the ultimate transcendence beyond the mind.
In this landscape of white, form becomes irrelevant. The meditator is no longer tied to the body, the ego or the identity shaped by the mind. Instead, they enter the formless reality of the spirit — an infinite field of pure consciousness.
The process of moving beyond the mind is gradual, guided by the energy of color and the transformation it brings. Red, as a symbol of force and power, gives way to white, representing the infinite. The meditator experiences a deep transmutation — from being rooted in the physical, the world of form, to dissolving into the formless.
In formlessness, there is a return to the essence of being, where the soul realizes its true nature, unencumbered by the limitations of the mind and body. This is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice — to move beyond the constraints of thought and enter the boundless space of formless awareness, where silence reigns and the self merges with the infinite.
The experience of color, particularly red, serves as a powerful metaphor for this journey. Red is the fire of transformation, the force that pushes one through the threshold of form, only to emerge in the quiet, boundless space of pure being. Here, in the formless void, the meditator discovers the true power — not in the external world, but in the eternal, unchanging nature of the self.