Personal Notes – In Personal Notes, Esther and Kees share their personal narratives, inviting readers to explore their own paths of introspection. Embark on their intimate journey through heartfelt reflections, cherished memories and profound realizations. Experience the power of self-expression and find solace and strength in the beauty of vulnerability and personal stories. Join them in the transformative art of journaling, connecting hearts and transcending time through the essence of their lives. Explore your own path of introspection and discover the profound realization that our stories can touch hearts, transcend time and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of human existence.

New Lightwave has introduced 51 Inner Circles in Asia through the transmission of inner Light and Sound. Asia, including West Asia (the Middle East), is the birthplace of most world religions, including Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and many others. Today, we have globally transmitted the Light and Sound, and we believe that this will bring forth a new form of spirituality and a new Intelligent Mankind. Asia is the final region where New Lightwave Inner Circles are being introduced through the transmission of Light and Sound.

Meditating on inner Light and Sound reveals a wondrous journey, where seekers can delve into the very essence of existence. This transformative practice offers an unparalleled opportunity to grasp the core truths of life, empowering individuals to make informed and thoughtful decisions. However, this profound spiritual path doesn’t simply hand us answers on a silver platter; it calls for dedication and inner exploration.

Europe is currently experiencing a significant transformation in spiritual engagement, heralded by a novel and inclusive approach. This shift, marked by the establishment of Inner Circles in countries throughout the continent, represents a deep and meaningful change in the cultivation and perception of spiritual awareness. As we explore this innovative paradigm, it becomes crucial to examine its broader implications, the growing prominence of spirituality in European life, and how this modern approach harmonizes with the continent’s rich and varied cultural tapestry. This new pathway invites us to reconsider our collective spiritual journey, promising to reshape not just individual lives but the very fabric of European society.

In the heart of modern Europe, amidst its ancient ruins and futuristic cities, lies an unspoken quest—a quest for deeper meaning, purpose and connection. This continent, rich with history, culture and diversity, is at a crossroads, facing a spiritual dilemma that whispers through its bustling streets and quiet countryside. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, it’s time to critically reexamine our approach to spirituality. What does it mean to be spiritual in today’s Europe, and are we ready to embrace the changes necessary for a profound collective awakening?