Personal Notes – In Personal Notes, Esther and Kees share their personal narratives, inviting readers to explore their own paths of introspection. Embark on their intimate journey through heartfelt reflections, cherished memories and profound realizations. Experience the power of self-expression and find solace and strength in the beauty of vulnerability and personal stories. Join them in the transformative art of journaling, connecting hearts and transcending time through the essence of their lives. Explore your own path of introspection and discover the profound realization that our stories can touch hearts, transcend time and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of human existence.
At New Lightwave, we strongly believe that a new approach to spirituality is needed in Europe. We have embarked on promoting meditation on the inner Light and Sound through the transmission of colors within Inner Circles. This approach aims to open people up to a deeper experience of spirituality and consciousness.
Welcome to New Lightwave! We are thrilled to announce that we have activated 53 Inner Circles across Europe.
Today, New Lightwave has successfully launched a total of twenty Inner Circles in each state of the United States. In these Inner Circles, participants can see the inner Light and hear the Sound. The initiation of Inner Circles in America feels like a return to our roots, bringing us back to the time of the original inhabitants, the Native Americans.
Today, we have started the establishment of 46 Inner Circles in the Middle East through the transmission of the inner Light and Sound. As Gibran said, “The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.” The Middle East is a source of many religious works, such as the Bible, the Quran, and the Kabbalah. At New Lightwave, we promote spirituality and are not involved in religion or political matters. We believe that Inner Circles were used in ancient Egypt.
Today marks a special day of change and transformation. New Lightwave has initiated a total of 34 Inner Circles in every region of China, transmitting Light and Sound. It is an important first step on the path to spirituality and awareness. In line with the wise words of Lao Tzu, the founder of Tao, we believe that silence is a source of great power.
Today is a special day as New Lightwave initiates 54 Inner Circles in Africa through the transmission of inner Light and Sound. The Light we spread is a form of spirituality that breaks down walls, overcomes ego, and extends beyond the mind. The power of Sound lies within the silence deep within. It brings you back to your true nature and grants freedom. One of the icons of Africa was Nelson Mandela. His message of peace, justice, and freedom remains a source of inspiration for people around the world.