In this profound transmission with Alice Bailey, a significant figure in the New Age movement and theosophical tradition, we delve into her reflections on the spiritual evolution of humanity, the frustrations she has encountered and her hopes for the future. This conversation explores the efforts made by Bailey and her contemporaries, the challenges faced and the lessons learned along the way.
How are you feeling?
If I were to express it in one word, anger would be the best descriptor. We’ve laid a solid foundation with spirituality. We’ve even initiated a global movement with the New Age. First with Blavatsky and Master Morya, and then I continued with Master Djwhal Khul. However, the preparations have not yielded the desired results for me. In the transmission with Djwhal Khul, he indicated that the Divine Plan works as it does. I also believe that the Divine Plan unfolds as it should.
Let’s discuss the New Age period. How do you perceive it?
You could say that the New Age has become a kind of umbrella term. Everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. Nowadays, it seems to be a meaningless buzzword. I think very few people today feel genuinely connected to this powerful term.
What does New Age represent to you?
Blavatsky and I primarily aimed to bring Eastern wisdom to the West. Of course, there are multiple paths to Enlightenment.
Is that one of your current frustrations? The fact that humanity’s Enlightenment has fallen short of expectations?
That’s an understatement. Personally, I am deeply disappointed. Our preparations have not led to the desired outcome for me. From a divine perspective, one could say everything is as it should be. The Divine Plan was to work with the advent of the Master towards forty Adepts. Each of these would contribute significantly to the Enlightenment of humanity in their unique way.
Is it going differently?
Yes and no. It’s fine as it is, yet many aspects are not going as planned.
This Master once indicated that the Theosophical Society is primarily a theoretical association.
It is true that the majority of the Theosophical Society has not worked with the initiations that followed. However, Blavatsky mainly worked with Master Morya, and I with Master Djwhal Khul. Of course, these Masters also worked with initiations in Light and Sound. The announced Master worked and still works partly with these Masters of Light.
In later years, many initiates in Light and Sound had difficulty progressing through the spiritual phases with this Master.
It’s not entirely within my authority to comment on this. What I can say is that the Masters of Light have also chosen a plan B. There are now many small organizations worldwide. You have yourself set the condition that you do not want a large organization. However, the idea of the Free Thinkers’ Movement could be a unifying factor. Organizations and individuals retain their own identity, but by pooling energy, a transformative energy is set in motion.
Throughout your life, you have always worked on social initiatives. You were also involved with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Indeed. It would be wonderful if you or your group could continue this work. I have daily contact with your wife. You are guided and supported by Master Morya and Koot Hoomi and have access to many other entities in the universe.
From the teachings of the Master you helped announce, the focus is mainly on Enlightenment. Once Enlightened, the goal is reached, and nothing more needs to be done.
There were quite a few misconceptions. There’s also a story about Krishna and Arjuna. The conversation was about enlightenment. Krishna gave enlightenment to a pig, but nothing changed in its way of life. The Master worked with many people towards Enlightenment. Ultimately, these people did little with this status. It’s like giving them a car but they don’t drive it. He also dealt with many people who were not really seeking enlightenment but rather knowledge. We showed you someone today who mainly seeks prosperity through Light and Sound.
Are you satisfied with how the current knowledge is being used?
We have shown you groups recently that are doing very well. If you ask me if the knowledge that Blavatsky and I have provided is well conveyed, I diplomatically say that there is room for improvement. The point is that all the knowledge is available, but it needs to be properly presented. You are on the right path. Internationally, you will also set many things in motion with the Free Thinkers’ Movement.
We are currently preparing the event Path of Spiritual Transformation.
With the stimulation of Spiritual Awakening, much has already been set in motion. Many people are now better able to receive the inner Light and Sound. N. is right when he says that experiencing Enlightenment is different now than when you, for instance, were initiated in Light and Sound.
Do you have any idea which direction it is heading?
Yes, but I can’t say much about it.