At New Lightwave, we believe in the power of spiritual guidance on our path to inner growth, awareness, and Enlightenment. We are often guided by spiritual guides, masters, and entities who support us in our quest for spiritual Enlightenment. These guides play a valuable role in promoting our inner growth and unlocking our full potential.
In our search for inspiration, we have connected with the teachings of renowned theosophists such as Helena Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey. These visionary thinkers have provided profound insights into the nature of spirituality and human potential. They emphasize the importance of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and service to others as essential elements on the spiritual path.
Within the realm of the Spiritual Hierarchy, House of Empathy has made the inner Light and Sound available to humanity through the transmissions via Inner Circles. This special form of transmission is the result of collaboration with an exalted group of spiritual masters and entities, including Master Morya Khan, Master Koot Hoomi, Master Djwhal Khul, and Chohans entities. They have dedicated themselves to helping and supporting those who seek spiritual Enlightenment and self-realization.
Our Inner Circles provide a unique opportunity to connect with your spiritual guides and experience the transmission of Light and Sound. By opening yourself to this deep resonance with energetic frequencies, you enhance your connection with the divine and can receive the truth and wisdom of your spiritual guides. Regardless of the spiritual tradition you follow or your background, this universal language resonates with the deepest layers of your being.
The arrival of the Master, as spoken of by Theosophical organization, symbolizes the increase in spiritual consciousness and the availability of higher teachings and guidance for those who are ready. At House of Empathy, we believe that no one is alone on their spiritual path. We are always here to offer wisdom and support to those who seek it.
If you are interested in exploring your own spiritual guides and experiencing the transmission of Light and Sound through the Inner Circles, we warmly invite you to contact us. We are ready to guide you on your journey of self-discovery, awareness, and Enlightenment.
Engaged masters
Master Morya, also known as Master M, is a powerful and inspiring teacher within the Theosophical tradition. He embodies willpower, decisiveness, and leadership in his teachings and guidance to spiritual seekers. Master Morya is often depicted as a Tibetan master, with profound knowledge of spiritual and occult sciences.
Master Koot Hoomi, also known as Master Kuthumi or simply Master K.H., is a highly revered and enlightened spiritual teacher within the Theosophical tradition. He is considered an ascended master and a member of the Great White Brotherhood, a spiritual hierarchy guiding the evolution of humanity. Koot Hoomi is known for his profound wisdom, compassion, and deep understanding of spiritual truths.
Master Djwhal Khul, also known as the Tibetan Master or Master DK, is an enlightened spiritual entity revered for his profound wisdom and knowledge of esoteric and spiritual principles. He is known for his dedication to serving humanity and promoting spiritual growth and awareness.
Djwhal Khul, widely known as the Tibetan Master, is a revered figure in esoteric teachings who shared profound insights with humanity through the writings of Alice Bailey. In this article, we will delve into the life and teachings of Djwhal Khul, exploring his contributions to esoteric astrology, spiritual psychology and the transformation of human consciousness.